Constructing The Universe Activity Books

Volume 6

Secret Windows

Into Nature, Art and Technology


Michael S. Schneider, M.Ed.

"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new lands but seeing with new eyes."
-- Marcel Proust (1871-1922, French novelist)

Volume 6 in this Constructing The Universe Activity Book series is called Secret Windows Into Nature, Art and Technology. It's the first Activity Book in this series to not require a compass and straightedge, the geometer's traditonal tools, for exploring the wonderful world of geometric design in nature and human creations. Instead, the book comes with a plastic sheet having six geometric constructions already printed on them. They're used for looking through at plants, leaves, flowers, animal and human faces, as well as the familiar forms of technology around the home and neighborhood, and at art of every culture, including stained-glass Rose Windows, to actually see and understand their geometric proportions. It's an effortless way to familiarize yourself with the openly-hidden patterns visible all around us, and a great way to get youngsters interested in geometry and numbers, nature, technology and art.

"Wisdom should be cherished as a means of traveling from youth to old age,
for it is more lasting than any other possession."
--Bias of Priene (c570 BC, one of the Seven Sages of ancient Greece)

"The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible."
-- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

The book is 60 pages, double-sided, and crammed with illustrations for you to practice with using each of the geometric shapes: first nature, then technology, and finally in worldwide art across cultures and time. You'll see many famous examples of art you may already be familiar with, but now you'll be able to look deeper into their designs and see how their parts harmonize with the whole. Artists and designers will appreciate seeing how the great masters of the various arts, crafts and even architecture intentionally used and took advantage of the benefits that geometric design can produce.

"The good, of course, is always beautiful,
and the beautiful never lacks proportion."
-- Plato

"The beautiful is a manifestation of the secret laws of nature... .
When nature begins to reveal her open secret to a person,
he feels an irresistible longing for her most worthy interpreter, art."
-- Goethe

"This symmetry cannot be used unconsciously
although many of its shapes are approximated by designers of great native ability
whose sense of form is highly developed."
-- Jay Hambidge

Shapes are like the letters of an alphabet in which the Book Of Nature is written. Each shape is a message telling us what's going on there, what problem is being solved. Each section of the book begins by explaining what these messages are so we can appreciate them when we find them in nature, technology and art.

"I am not ambitious to appear a man of letters:
I could be content the world should think I had scarce looked upon any other book than that of nature."
-- Robert Boyle (1627-1691, British physicist and chemist)

After guided practice seeing through each of the six Secret Windows in the book, there are further examples to try on your own and test yourself to determine the best ones to look through. Then you'll be shown how to use them to explore your home, neighborhood and especially art museums. Finally, you'll be encouraged to use their patterns to be creative and "Design Your Own World" using colored pencils or other media of your choice. This book has been in the works for a dozen years and the Secret Windows have been tested with adults and children at various locations including botanical gardens and art museums, so they're the best they can be. I'm very excited about this book and hope you will be too.

"Come forth into the light of things,
Let Nature be your teacher."
-- William Wordsworth (1770-1850)

"...Nature, that universal and public manuscript..."
-- Sir Thomas Browne (1605-1682, English physician, author)

"In nature's infinite book of secrecy, a little I can read."
-- William Shakespeare

Table of Contents

Introduction .......................................................................................4

How To Use Secret Windows .............................................................7

What’s So Great About Circles? ........................................................10

What’s So Great About Triangles? ................ ....................................12
Triangles in Nature ............................ ......................................13
Triangles in Technology .................... .......................................14
Triangles in Art ........................................................................15

What’s So Great About Squares? ......................................................16
Squares in Nature .............................. .....................................17
Squares in Technology .............................................................18
Squares in Art .................................... ....................................19

What’s So Great About Pentagons? .............. ....................................20
Pentagons in Nature .......................... ....................................21
Pentagons in Technology .................. .....................................22
Pentagons in Art ................................ ...................................23

What’s So Great About Hexagons? ...................................................24
Hexagons in Nature .................................................................25
Hexagons in Technology ................... ......................................26
Hexagons in Art ......................................................................27

What’s So Great About Heptagons? ..................................................28
Sevens in Nature .....................................................................29
Heptagons in Technology .................. ......................................30
Heptagons in Ar ......................................................................31

What’s So Great About Octagons? ....................................................32
Octagons in Nature ..................................................................33
Octagons in Technology ...........................................................34
Octagons in Art .......................................................................35

Test Your Geometric Vision .............................................................36

Answers to Test Your Geometric Vision ...........................................46

Looking Through Secret Windows Beyond This Book .......................47

Design Your Own World! ................................................................49

There’s More In There! ..................................................................56

Secret Windows cutouts ..................................................................59


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© 2009 Michael S. Schneider